Current Sermons and Bulletins (1-Year Series)

Click on the date to see the bulletin, and the sermon title to listen.


2/14/2024 Ash Wednesday
Matthew 6:1-21 Do not fast like the hypocrites
2021 Hands-on learning
2022 Almsgiving, Praying, Fasting
2024 Opportunity, not obligation

2/18/2024 Invocavit
Matthew 4:1-11 The Temption of Jesus
2021 Willpower, God's Power
2022 Tempted of God
2023 He's by our side upon the plain
2024 Life Matters

2/25/2024 Reminiscere
Matthew 15:21-28 The Canaanite Woman
2021 Born to wrestle
2022 True Israel
2023 Why God thwarts your will
2024 Don't take 'NO' for an answer

3/3/2024 Oculi
Luke 11:14-18 Jesus Casts out a Demon
2021 Defeating the devil's power
2022 Be not partakers with them
2023 Demonic lies
2024 Demons

3/10/2024 Laetare
John 6:1-15 Jesus Feeds the 5000
2021 Jesus is all you need
2022 Jesus feeds the world
2023 The True Passover
2024 Bread enough

3/17/2024 Judica
John 8:31-59 Which of you convicts Me of sin?
2021 Jehovah Jireh
2022 Slavery and True Freedom
2023 Identify with Jesus
2024 St. Patrick, "slavery" is a relative term

Lent Midweek Series:
2021 Types of the Cross
In the cross of Christ I glory
The Tree of Life
More by his death
Fix your eyes on Jesus
Annunciation A Body You have prepared
2023 Cross in the Shadows
3/1/23 The Tree of Life
3/8/23 Moses' Lifted Staff
3/15/23 Snake on a pole
3/22/23 Samson's last stand
3/29/23 Isaac's Substitute
2024 Life in heaven
2/28/24 What is man?
3/6/24 What is death?
3/13/24 The sleep of death
3/20/24 Immortal Soul

The Great and Holy Week

3/24/2024 Palm Sunday
Palmarum St. Matthew's Passion
2021 The Hour has come
2022 She has anointed My Body
2023 Act, Trust, and Pray
2024 What Salvation looks like in the moment

Maundy Thursday
John 13:1-17 Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
2021 What's new?
2022 Old Testament / New Testament
2023 Jesus, Greatest at the table
2024 Love and Forgiveness

Good Friday Tre Ore: The Three Hours
Luke 23:1-55 The Passion According to St. Luke

Easter Vigil
Creation, Flood, Exodus & Ezekiel 36:22ff.
2021 Follow the Pillar

The Feast of Easter

3/31/24 Easter Day
Mark 16:1-8 Women Visit the Empty Tomb
2021 ...and Peter
2022 The First Witnesses
2023 Waiting for the dawn
2024 Reading the signs of the resurrection

4/7/24 Quasimodo Geniti
John 20:19-31 Jesus Appears to the Twelve
2021 Not once, but twice
2023 The Present Body of Christ
2024 Quasimodo Every Sunday

Trinity Season

5/26/24 Trinity Sunday
John 3:1-15 Nicodemas, Born Again
2021 From Him, through Him, and to Him
2022 New life, New Family
2023 God: the Giver, the Gift and the Receiver
2024 Seeing the true Kingdom of God

6/2/24 Trinity 1
Luke 16:19-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus
2021 Moses and the prophets
2022 Believing is seeing
2023 You have Moses and the prophets
2024 God is your helper

6/9/24 Trinity 2
Luke 14:16-24 The Wedding Feast
2021 The great invite
2022 What have you been invited to?
2023 Excuses
2024 RSVP

6/16/24 Trinity 3
Luke 15:1-10 The Lost Sheep and the 99
2021 Among the lost
2022 Freedom and Bondage
2023 Only the lost are gathered
2024 Audacious Son

6/23/24 Trinity 4
Luke 6:36-42 Judge not lest ye be judged
2021 Merciful, like God
2022 The heavenly life
2023 Like your Father
2024 Be OIKTIRMOS, as your Father

St. John's Tide

2024 "IfOnly"

St. Lawrence' Tide

8/11/24 Trinity 11
Luke 18:9-14 Pharisee and Publican
2021 Coram Deo
2022 What our world needs
2023 The prayer of a righteous man
2024 The contempt of the self righteous

8/18/24 Trinity 12
Mark 7:31-37 Jesus Heals the Deaf Mute
2021 Passive ears
2022 Letters written by Christ
2023 Ministry of Life, Ministry of Death
2024 He does all things well

8/25/24 Trinity 13
Luke 10:23-37 The Good Samaritan
2021 Enemy rescuer
2022 Inheritance
2023 What IS a neighbor?
2024 Jesus, the Good Samaritan

9/1/24 Trinity 14
Luke 17:11-19 Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers
2021 Where to worship God?
2022 Thank God
2023 Notice, and Return to Jesus
2024 Notice Miracles

9/8/24 Trinity 15
Matthew 6:24-34
2021 Consider the birds
2022 Seek first the kingdom of God
2023 Seek first. There is no second
2024 Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven

9/15/24 Trinity 16
Luke 7:11-17 Jesus Raises the Widow's Son
2021 Compassion
2023 Moreh, Shunem, and Nain
2024 The Gift of Life

9/22/24 Trinity 17
Luke 14:1-11 Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
2021 Sabbath

Trinity 18
Matthew 22:15-46 The Great Commandment

St. Michael's Tide

9/29/24 St. Michael and All Angels
Luke 10:17-20 "Rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them."
2024 Michael, the Image and Likeness of God

10/6/24 Trinity 19
Matthew 9:1-8 Jesus Forgives the Lame Man
2021 What do you want?
2022 Jesus, Medicine of Immortality
2023 Incredible
2024 Great Physician of Body and Soul

10/13/24 Trinity 20
Matthew 21:33--22:14 The Wedding Feast
2021 The time is now
2022 Answer the call. Wear the garment.
2023 Two Parables, Two Rebellions
2024 Jesus is clear: Go to Church

10/20/24 Trinity 21
John 4:39-56 The Centurion's Servant
2021 Go your way
2023 The Genesis of our faith
2024 Go to Jesus, then believe His word

10/27/24 Trinity 22
Matthew 18:15-35 The Unforgiving Servant
2022 Michaelmas 4
2024 God's Reign of Forgiveness

Reformation Day
John 8:31-36 The Truth shall make you free.
2021 Truth and Freedom

All Saints Day
Matthew 5:1-11 The Beatitudes
11/3/24 Trinity 23
Matthew 22:15-22 God and Caesar
2022 Election Matters
2024 A sermon for Caesars
11/10/24 Trinity 24
Matthew 9:18-26 Jairus' Daughter
2021 Whole Health
2022 Sin and Death
2023 Jesus, our health and life
2024 Death separates, Jesus reintegrates faith and life

3rd-Last Sunday of the Church Year
Matthew 24:15-28 Abomination of Desolation
2023 When will these things be?

11/17/24 2nd-Last Sunday of the Church Year
Matthew 25:31-46 Sheep and Goats
2021 Judgment at the Glorious Throne
2022 Second-Last Sunday
2023 Together now, in mercy, then in glory
2024 Co-regents with the King of Kings

11/24/24 Last Sunday of the Church Year
Matthew 25:1-13 The Ten Virgins
2021 Precious Oil
2022 Last Sunday
2023 The Thoughtful and the Heedless
2024 Not a Bang, But a Whimper

11/27/24 Thanksgiving Eve
Matthew 6:24-33 Do not be anxious
2021 Because HE IS GOOD
2022 Maker of heaven and earth
2023 Thank God for the wilderness
2024 Pray for all men


12/1/24 Advent 1
Matthew 21:1-9 Jesus Enters Jerusalem
2021 Cast off the works of darkness
2022 The True King
2023 Patiently Waiting
2024 Great, but not that great

Advent Midweek Services:
2021 Candles of Advent
Advent 1 Hope, the Prophecy Candle
Advent 2 Peace, the Bethlehem Candle
Advent 3 The Joy Candle
Advent 4 Love, the Angel Candle

2022 Saints of Advent
Advent 1 St. Andrew, Apostle
Advent 2 St. Ambrose (339-397)
Advent 3 St. Lucy (283-304)
Advent 4 Thomas, Apostle

2023 The First Table of the Law
Advent 1 First Commandment
Advent 2 Second Commandment
Advent 3 Third Commandment

2024 Sola Scriptura
Advent 1 What is the Bible and how do we use it?
Advent 2 What authority does the Bible have?
Advent 3 Is the Bible hard to read?

The Twelve Days of Christmas

12/24/2024 The Nativity of our God According to Luke
Luke 2:1-14 Jesus is Born, Shepherds Visit
2021 John happened...that all through it might believe
2022 Fear Not!, Not: No Fear!
2023 Small and Weak
2024 How Jesus changed the world

Christmas Day
John 1:1-18 The Word Made Flesh
2022 The Word became flesh

12/29/2024 Christmas 1
Luke 1:22-40 Simeon and Anna
2021 The destiny of children of God

Circumcision and Naming of Jesus
Luke 2:21 Circumcision of Jesus
2023 What's in a name?
2023 The Significance of Time

1/5/2025 Christmas 2
Matthew 2:1-23-40 The Flight to Egypt
2022 Godlike, or Godly?


2025 Jonah, Prophet to the Gentiles

Epiphany 5
Luke 5:1-11 Jesus Casts out a demon

2/9/2025 The Transfiguration of Our Lord
Matthew 17:1-9 Transfiguration of Jesus
2021 Unseen Glory, known by faith
2022 Transfigured Flesh 

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