
Saturday, April 10, 2021

Lutheran Laymen’s Declaration and Petition

This document, authored by Lutheran Church-Canada (LC-C) laymen from Waterloo, Ontario, requests our spiritual fathers to continue to celebrate weekly Divine Services uninterrupted during the pandemic. We believe that the weekly physical gathering of God’s people around His Word and Sacrament is crucial at all times. Our petition is chiefly supported by a series of theological statements, but we also present supporting scientific and sociopolitical statements.

This document has been sent to LC-C churches and to our Synodical leaders. Because there are sharp divisions among us regarding these issues, we hope to foster biblically-based unity within our Synod.

We ask that you prayerfully consider this document and cause it to be circulated among the laymen in your congregation. We encourage laymen to support the petition by signing their names to it at the following website (the document is also available for download at the website):

Your Brothers in Christ,

Paul Gyger, Bruno Korst, Topias Nieminen, Daniel Smilek, Marinus Veenman, 

Sine Dominico Non Possumus / (Advent 2020 AD) 

Read the document here.

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