
Friday, September 30, 2011

Watch and pray that you enter not into temptation

Pastor Yousef Nadarkhani's life hangs in the balance today. He is slated to be hanged because he became a Christian after being a Muslim. You can read the whole story here:

The judge gave him an opportunity to save his life by denying that Jesus is God. He did not. Just as Jesus on Good Friday knew that Pilate's power came from the True God, so on this Friday, Pastor Nadarkhani confesses that the power of life and death are not ultimately any Muslim judge's, but Jesus' own power.

That is why Jesus says, "Whoever saves his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." (Matthew 16:25)

  • Pray for Pastor Nadarkhani's wife and children that they will be cared for.
  • Pray for the Iranian people that they will be freed from the bonds of Islam.
  • Pray for the judge and prosecutors that God would use Pastor Nadarkhani's words to rescue them from their bondage.
  • Pray for Pastor Nadarkhani that Jesus would keep him steadfast in his confession to eternal life.
  • Pray for yourselves and for your children, that you might believe as Pastor Nadarkhani does.

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